What’s in my Travel Makeup Bag

Traveling can be a lot of fun, but sometimes you forget how much stuff you actually use everyday — at least I do. I would rather bring an extra outfit or camera lens than my full makeup kit, so keeping it small and simple is what I like to stick to.

The Foundation


I usually am pretty lucky with breakouts and don’t get them very often so I don’t need that much coverage or concealer.

By far L’oreal’s true match is my favorite foundation of the moment. I either set it with MAC’s mineralized skinfinish or if I’m feeling extra confident about my skin I’ll just brush on the powder.



Usually I keep it pretty simple with my eyes, mostly because I find crazy eye makeup really intimidating. Depending on what I’m doing I might not even bring eye shadow at all. In this case I was going to a convention so I wanted to look super put together.

I wear Revlon colorstay everyday in my tight-line no matter what I’m doing, while I wear Maybelline master precise depending on if I want eyeliner on my lid or not —  usually I do.

Tartlette is the only high end pallet that I own personally, but I have used other shadows before. I liked it because of the purple shades because I think it looks good with brown eyes. Personally I love all the shades and am really glad I got it.


Real Techniques

I don’t really understand the differences of brushes to be honest, but I do love these Real Techniques brushes for my face, especially because I forget to blend constantly.

For brushes for my eyes I really only use two: one for a base color and one for a darker color and I use the same brush to blend it out. I know that doesn’t really make sense for a lot of makeup obsessed people, but it works for me.

I wish these photos came out better, but the only light I had was the one attached to my lamp! Hopefully will have studio lights soon, fingers crossed.


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