
I’m a slight coffee addict with a philosophy that life is full of little adventures.

My attention span may be small but the list of things I want to do with my life is not — so this space might get random.

I have been experimenting with photography for about two years and my goal is to find my own style. I’m kinda going through that with my fashion as well — finding my own style.

Currently, I am a full-time student with picking up different gigs here and there. But my side hustle is a fashion + lifestyle magazine, which explains why my writing may come off journalist at times.

If I could do anything with my life it would be to travel the world photographing coffee shops along the way.

I truly appreciate anyone that reads, likes, or follows my little blog experiment!

Thanks for visiting,

Alexis (a.k.a Paige)

Join me on Instagram and Tumblr!

Nikon D3100
Nikon D7200
18mm – 55mm
55mm – 200mm
Sigma 17mm – 50mm

All pictures here are originals.


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